A guide for organizations at the beginning

If you wish to join the circle of non-profit organizations that apply for aid and grants through funds abroad, you must first and foremost answer the following questions:

What is the specific project you want to promote/establish?

What is the difficulty that this project is supposed to address?

What is the estimated cost required to cover the cost of the project?

What are the chances of the project or is there any measure that can be used to evaluate and prove the success of the project?

Is your organization legally registered?

If you have satisfactory answers to these questions, you can proceed to the next step:

Would you like to apply for:

specific project

building project

Procurement/equipment project

Integrated project

A project under construction

The Fundraising Center, which specializes in submitting applications for grants for conflicts in Israel and abroad, will lead and accompany you in the next steps on the way to the grant.

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