
The Secrets of Successful Fundraising

They connect with the largest corporations in the world, procure audiences with legendary tycoons, and succeed in raising millions of dollars for their causes.  How do they do it?  Below, we reveal the secrets of successful fundraisers!  To learn how to get grants for nonprofit organizations, read on!

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גיוס כספים עבור עמותות ומלכ

9 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Fundraising

Thinking about fundraising alone? Thinking about how to get grants for nonprofits? Read this article to discover why fundraising is a job for professionals, and learn how you can make your nonprofit organization prosperous and successful.

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פילנתרופיה בישראל - תרומות לעמותות ומלכ

Successful Fundraising – Five Golden Rules

Competition for the attention and financial support of philanthropic foundations and donors is fierce.  How can your nonprofit succeed in capturing that allusive attention and critical support?  These five golden rules will help you succeed in procuring grants for nonprofit organizations.
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אי שקיפות בהתנהלות קרנות פילנתרופיות / חני סודרי

“Reaching the Goal” – Navigating the World of Fundraising

Fundraising is a journey. Regardless of the bumps in the road, as a non-profit organization serving your community, it is imperative that you reach your fundraising destination. Do you often feel lost, unsure how to navigate the course? If so, read on.
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ניהול נכון של תהליך גיוס כספים לעמותות / חני סודרי

How to Predict the Amount of Money Your Organization Will Receive

Tell us what you do, and we will tell you which grants you can expect to receive.
Are we magicians?  No.  Are we experts?  Absolutely.
Different foundations and private donors tend to award grants for nonprofit organizations according to the type of work your organization does.  In addition, they look for specific, measurable criteria.
Read on to discover the decision-making process that stands behind every grant and donation, and learn how to get grants for nonprofit organizations like yours.
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תרומות לעמותות בישראל על ידי קרנות פילנתרופיות / חני סודרי

How to Get Grants for Nonprofit Organizations – How to Succeed as a Nonprofit
What makes a nonprofit organization “rich”?  Why does it seem like there is an unfair division of resources among nonprofits? Sometimes it seems like only the well-known, successful organizations attract funding while the smaller, lesser-known organizations—despite the important work they do—are engaged in a constant struggle to gain funding.
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תרומות פרטיות לעמותות – תמונת מצב בישראל ובחו

Fundraising for Nonprofits – The Five Most Common Types of Grants
Do you need a grant in order to launch a project for your nonprofit? To gain funding, every nonprofit must understand the world of grants. Below, we will introduce you to that complicated world, and lay out the different types of grants for nonprofit organizations in a way that will enable you to understand and choose which ones are most relevant to your organization.
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המגזר השלישי בישראל / חני סודרי
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